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Smith & Wesson

Are you in need of professional handcuffs for safe transport and arrests? Then you should have a closer look at the qualityproducts of the weapon and security technology of the manufacturer Smith & Wesson - made in the USA. Every handcuffconsists of high quality steel and many models are not just available in the color silver but also in the color black, for easydistinction on sight. Additionally, several models are nickel plated.

All handcuffs can be locked in different positions and due to Double Lock prevent further tightening. The hand restraints by Smith & Wesson are robust and warrantedly prevent the arrested from independently freeing their hands. The solid chainlinks restrict the freedom of movement additionally. The Smith & Wesson handcuffs can be used on basically every wrist. Evencombinations of hand and leg restraints are offered by the traditional manufacturer. Generally, the Smith & Wesson handcuffsare easy to handle and use - with a little practice they can be employed quickly yet safely even in stressful and dangeroussituations.

Handcuffs are used during police operations, in correctional facilities but also in the private security section and by officers onguard duty. They are always used when an individual reacts aggressively or there is a flight risk present. Are the hands of aperson brought together behind their back and locked together with handcuffs - not only is the freedom of movementrestricted enormously but the flight risk is reduced efficiently as well. During police service and in the field of security solidquality handcuffs are an essential part of the standard equipment. Therefore they should be reliable and able to withstandstresses and strains.
When you decide for handcuffs by Smith & Wesson you will get an absolute brand product that meets even the highest ofstandards.


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