Webshop » Electroplay » Violet Wands » ElectroSex NeonWand 220 volt - 10 watt

ElectroSex NeonWand 220 volt - 10 watt

ElectroSex NeonWand 220 volt - 10 watt ElectroSex NeonWand 220 volt - 10 watt

ElectroSex NeonWand 220 volt - 10 watt ElectroSex NeonWand 220 volt - 10 wattElectroSex NeonWand 220 volt - 10 watt ElectroSex NeonWand 220 volt - 10 wattElectroSex NeonWand 220 volt - 10 watt ElectroSex NeonWand 220 volt - 10 wattElectroSex NeonWand 220 volt - 10 watt ElectroSex NeonWand 220 volt - 10 watt
Spark up your sexlife with this fantastic new violet wand - finally one which is easy to use and affordable! NeonWand Kit includes: Electrode & attachement socket.Glass electrode attachement are the Electrode Comb, Mushroom Tube, 90º Probe and Tongue Tube


€ 159.95


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